the entire collection
How do you put together a team of freelancers that can work together well while meeting your vision? The process can be intimidating for many, but it helps to start with a list of goals.
As a new freelancer, you can get overwhelmed by all the resources out there that claim to be the best, easiest and cheapest on the market. I thought I would make it a little easier for you today and break down just a few of the tools I love as a freelancer. I’m not affiliated with any of them so I don’t get compensated for telling you about them. I just wanted to share three resources that make freelancing easier.
The line where stress starts to become detrimental to our health is kind of shady. We need stress in our life to keep us alert, active, and healthy, but at what point does it become too much?
There is a slew of reasons why someone may procrastinate. The reason (or reasons) can entirely vary on a person-to-person basis. The cool thing is, procrastination can be beaten. But, like all hindrances, the first step is admitting that there’s a problem. Here are 7 reasons why we procrastinate.
Our church tries to help out the homeless once a month. They make lunches, pack bags with toiletries, collect clothing or blankets, then drive around the city to disperse the supplies.
Life’s weird. I took a detour that tested me and forced me out of my comfort zone. I got a “real job” at the beginning of 2021 because I needed something to make me leave my house and interact with people. It started as a regular full-time job but I didn’t have a lot of responsibilities and it was fun!
I’m not gonna lie, the next couple of weeks are going to test me and exhaust me. I have a lot coming up that will put to practice my ability to manage my time effectively. (I'll let you know how it turns out.)
That was in July. It’s safe to say that I've been tested repeatedly and exhausted since then. I had to let some things go that I just couldn't take the time to do – like my weekly emails, unfortunately.
Growth management for small businesses is a tricky thing to master. With so many articles, apps, platforms, subscriptions, and ideas swirling around, it is challenging to know what will be effective for your organization, and what won’t be. Taking the trial and error approach can get costly, so having insider knowledge from the start is ideal.
Something many business owners struggle with is getting reviews from happy customers. And I'll admit, it's a bit of a blow to your ego to ask for a review and then never receive one. It makes you think twice – did they actually like the final project or were they lying?
Let's be honest, you probably thought your family would be your first customer, so posting on social media daily is a hint, hint to them to buy from you. But then days and weeks go by – your family stops “liking” your posts and you feel hurt because you're not making any sales.
I heard this quote on a podcast the other day and really loved it so I of course wanted to share it with you and break down the podcast episode!
Is building a website for your business one of those daunting tasks that you keep passing over because it overwhelms you just to think about it? I don’t blame you! It’s a big project and one you shouldn’t expect yourself to be able to tackle all on your own.
One of my favorite things to do to save time and energy is repurpose content. You may have noticed that I do this already but if not, this is how I break it down.
The island of Aruba is small— 20 miles long, 6 miles wide— with three main areas to stay. All three of them are on the northern side of the island. They are Palm Beach, Oranjestad, and Noord. Where you decide to stay is up to your personal preference! Below is a break down of each one.
There are a ton of places to snorkel in Aruba! Anywhere you can go in the water safely with some googles is going to be cool. But if you wanted to narrow it down to just three good places to go, this is where I’d say to make sure you bring your snorkel (and your GoPro if you have one!).
There are a lot of great places to eat in Aruba -- more than we ever were able to make it to. But based on where we have dined, these are the best restaurants and cafes to visit in Aruba.
Your transportation options in Aruba are to call a taxi, rent a car, hop a bus, rent an ATV, or rent a Jeep. The choice is truly up to you but this is my opinion based on the two times I’ve visited the island -- rent a car AND a Jeep.
If you’ve never been to Aruba before, you are in for a treat! Aruba is one of the ABC islands in the Caribbean. In 2020, we traveled to Curacao and Aruba and in 2021 we decided to travel back to Aruba because we loved the island so much. Here are a few things to expect and consider before traveling to Aruba.
Every time you resend your email to the ones who didn't open it, a few are bound to open it the second time around. Here are some quick tips though before clicking that "resend to unopens" button.
How about a quick introduction? I haven't done really introduced myself to the blog before so this should be a nice change of pace.
I usually loathe winter because I don't have any winter hobbies. I mean okay, I have snowshoes and cross country skis but they're not really my favorite things to do.
But…last year I decided to give snowboarding a whirl. Literally, I was whirling all the way down that bunny hill.
The stern-faced lady looked up, her face softened, and in a thick Spanish accent she went on for approximately 15 minutes about all of the places she had traveled in her lifetime.
A couple of weeks ago I met with someone from a local company and the first thing he said was, “I feel like I already know you!”
He had looked me up on social media, read through my website, and watched the handful of YouTube videos that I have posted.
Even though I had never met this person in real life, I had already made my first impression.
I met with someone the other day who said that they felt like they already knew me because they had read through all of my things on the internet.
Flattered -- but false.
Start building an email list, because if Facebook disappeared tomorrow you need a way to reach your followers!
According to my Goodreads account, I read 21 books in 2020. I love all books of all genres so the list below is very random but I wanted to share the books I read with you. Here is a list of the books I read in order starting in January of 2020 -- with a quick little burst of my opinion on each one.
I've been becoming a bit of a yes-woman over the last year or so because I don't want to miss out on any experiences or have any regrets.
One of the first things you may hear when you start a business is that you need to grow your email list. Easier said than done.
Not only do you have to find a way to attract your audience and make them want to sign up to hear from your every so often, you then need to follow through and email them. It depends on your own goals and the time you have available, but it’s best to email your list once per week.
If you don't have those extra hands available, here's how to market your business your way on your own.
How do you put together a team of freelancers that can work together well while meeting your vision? The process can be intimidating for many, but it helps to start with a list of goals.
As a new freelancer, you can get overwhelmed by all the resources out there that claim to be the best, easiest and cheapest on the market. I thought I would make it a little easier for you today and break down just a few of the tools I love as a freelancer. I’m not affiliated with any of them so I don’t get compensated for telling you about them. I just wanted to share three resources that make freelancing easier.
The line where stress starts to become detrimental to our health is kind of shady. We need stress in our life to keep us alert, active, and healthy, but at what point does it become too much?
There is a slew of reasons why someone may procrastinate. The reason (or reasons) can entirely vary on a person-to-person basis. The cool thing is, procrastination can be beaten. But, like all hindrances, the first step is admitting that there’s a problem. Here are 7 reasons why we procrastinate.
Life’s weird. I took a detour that tested me and forced me out of my comfort zone. I got a “real job” at the beginning of 2021 because I needed something to make me leave my house and interact with people. It started as a regular full-time job but I didn’t have a lot of responsibilities and it was fun!
I’m not gonna lie, the next couple of weeks are going to test me and exhaust me. I have a lot coming up that will put to practice my ability to manage my time effectively. (I'll let you know how it turns out.)
That was in July. It’s safe to say that I've been tested repeatedly and exhausted since then. I had to let some things go that I just couldn't take the time to do – like my weekly emails, unfortunately.
Growth management for small businesses is a tricky thing to master. With so many articles, apps, platforms, subscriptions, and ideas swirling around, it is challenging to know what will be effective for your organization, and what won’t be. Taking the trial and error approach can get costly, so having insider knowledge from the start is ideal.
Something many business owners struggle with is getting reviews from happy customers. And I'll admit, it's a bit of a blow to your ego to ask for a review and then never receive one. It makes you think twice – did they actually like the final project or were they lying?
Let's be honest, you probably thought your family would be your first customer, so posting on social media daily is a hint, hint to them to buy from you. But then days and weeks go by – your family stops “liking” your posts and you feel hurt because you're not making any sales.
I heard this quote on a podcast the other day and really loved it so I of course wanted to share it with you and break down the podcast episode!
One of my favorite things to do to save time and energy is repurpose content. You may have noticed that I do this already but if not, this is how I break it down.
A couple of weeks ago I met with someone from a local company and the first thing he said was, “I feel like I already know you!”
He had looked me up on social media, read through my website, and watched the handful of YouTube videos that I have posted.
Even though I had never met this person in real life, I had already made my first impression.
Start building an email list, because if Facebook disappeared tomorrow you need a way to reach your followers!
Deciding to work with a copywriter can be risky business! You’re asking someone to get to know you so well that they can write in the same voice that you use in your diary.
Before you sign that contract, here are 7 questions you can ask them to see if they’re a good fit for you. As a bonus, I included my own answers.
If you are frozen in fear or overwhelm at the thought of writing the content and you don’t know where to start, start by doing the first most important thing.
The most important thing at the very beginning doesn’t include writing any sentences at all! Once you have the “skeleton” outlined, then the rest of the content can start to fill in the empty spaces. If you know what your business is and what you’re selling, you can create an outline of the website.
Every single business in the entire WORLD needs a website. A business just won’t be able to survive and function without one! 🙅
It’s arguably the first thing that you should do when starting a business. There needs to be a place on the internet for your business to LIVE. It needs to be easily found by potential customers near or far.
I’m going to be real with you, blogging can be a big commitment. But it’s a commitment well worth the effort. Whether you’re part of a business, a freelancer, or a copywriter, there are tons of reasons why having a blog on your website is an absolute must!
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie is a classic that everyone should read. That includes people who want to be better at sales, people who want to get better at selling themselves, and anyone who wants an edge when trying to win an argument. Here are 25 quotes worth framing from the book.
People don’t go on social media with the intent to buy things; it’s for connections. If you go on social media and post day after day asking-- nay, BEGGING-- for a sale, people will turn a deaf ear to you. Here is when you really should ask your audience for the sale.
In this blog are 7 ways the perks of working from home become the downfalls and how you can combat them. Are you falling victim to any of the working from home traps? Read here to see how you can improve!
Something many business owners struggle with is getting reviews from happy customers. And I'll admit, it's a bit of a blow to your ego to ask for a review and then never receive one. It makes you think twice – did they actually like the final project or were they lying?
One of my favorite things to do to save time and energy is repurpose content. You may have noticed that I do this already but if not, this is how I break it down.
Every time you resend your email to the ones who didn't open it, a few are bound to open it the second time around. Here are some quick tips though before clicking that "resend to unopens" button.
Start building an email list, because if Facebook disappeared tomorrow you need a way to reach your followers!
One of the first things you may hear when you start a business is that you need to grow your email list. Easier said than done.
Not only do you have to find a way to attract your audience and make them want to sign up to hear from your every so often, you then need to follow through and email them. It depends on your own goals and the time you have available, but it’s best to email your list once per week.
The first time I heard the word “copywriter” I had no clue it was an actual job.
And even when I started copywriting, I thought it was all about blogging and social media posts. I had no idea how far the umbrella of copywriting actually extended. I was definitely surprised to learn exactly how many types of writing copywriters get involved with.
If you’re curious about what copywriters do, here’s a little sneak peek of just some of the projects we work on and the pro strategies we use to take our copywriting to the next level:
When it comes to writing emails to your list, there are 3 things you need to keep in mind.
The content of the email.
The subject line.
When you send the email.
The time and day that you send your email is often something that can be overlooked. But the time you send your email can mean the difference between your email being opened or deleted. That’s why the time you send it is so crucial!
Is building a website for your business one of those daunting tasks that you keep passing over because it overwhelms you just to think about it? I don’t blame you! It’s a big project and one you shouldn’t expect yourself to be able to tackle all on your own.
Almost every website has an about page. It's oftentimes the most visited page on a site which makes it the most important.
Unfortunately, a lot of about pages are forgettable. People focus more on creating their “money-making” pages but in reality, the about page is the true page that makes the sales.
I feel like I’ve always been writing blogs. Even before I established myself as a copywriter, I dedicated myself to blogging my own book reviews. #nerdalert
But I know a lot of people have a hard time knowing where to start - and if making a blog is even worth the time.
No matter your reason for not having one, I can tell you from my own experience that investing in a blog is well worth the effort. Whether you’re part of a business, a freelancer, or a copywriter, there are tons of reasons why having a blog is an absolute must!
If you are frozen in fear or overwhelm at the thought of writing the content and you don’t know where to start, start by doing the first most important thing.
The most important thing at the very beginning doesn’t include writing any sentences at all! Once you have the “skeleton” outlined, then the rest of the content can start to fill in the empty spaces. If you know what your business is and what you’re selling, you can create an outline of the website.
Every single business in the entire WORLD needs a website. A business just won’t be able to survive and function without one! 🙅
It’s arguably the first thing that you should do when starting a business. There needs to be a place on the internet for your business to LIVE. It needs to be easily found by potential customers near or far.
I’m going to be real with you, blogging can be a big commitment. But it’s a commitment well worth the effort. Whether you’re part of a business, a freelancer, or a copywriter, there are tons of reasons why having a blog on your website is an absolute must!
Something many business owners struggle with is getting reviews from happy customers. And I'll admit, it's a bit of a blow to your ego to ask for a review and then never receive one. It makes you think twice – did they actually like the final project or were they lying?
One of my favorite things to do to save time and energy is repurpose content. You may have noticed that I do this already but if not, this is how I break it down.
Every time you resend your email to the ones who didn't open it, a few are bound to open it the second time around. Here are some quick tips though before clicking that "resend to unopens" button.
Start building an email list, because if Facebook disappeared tomorrow you need a way to reach your followers!
One of the first things you may hear when you start a business is that you need to grow your email list. Easier said than done.
Not only do you have to find a way to attract your audience and make them want to sign up to hear from your every so often, you then need to follow through and email them. It depends on your own goals and the time you have available, but it’s best to email your list once per week.
The first time I heard the word “copywriter” I had no clue it was an actual job.
And even when I started copywriting, I thought it was all about blogging and social media posts. I had no idea how far the umbrella of copywriting actually extended. I was definitely surprised to learn exactly how many types of writing copywriters get involved with.
If you’re curious about what copywriters do, here’s a little sneak peek of just some of the projects we work on and the pro strategies we use to take our copywriting to the next level:
When it comes to writing emails to your list, there are 3 things you need to keep in mind.
The content of the email.
The subject line.
When you send the email.
The time and day that you send your email is often something that can be overlooked. But the time you send your email can mean the difference between your email being opened or deleted. That’s why the time you send it is so crucial!
Something many business owners struggle with is getting reviews from happy customers. And I'll admit, it's a bit of a blow to your ego to ask for a review and then never receive one. It makes you think twice – did they actually like the final project or were they lying?
One of my favorite things to do to save time and energy is repurpose content. You may have noticed that I do this already but if not, this is how I break it down.
Every time you resend your email to the ones who didn't open it, a few are bound to open it the second time around. Here are some quick tips though before clicking that "resend to unopens" button.
Start building an email list, because if Facebook disappeared tomorrow you need a way to reach your followers!
One of the first things you may hear when you start a business is that you need to grow your email list. Easier said than done.
Not only do you have to find a way to attract your audience and make them want to sign up to hear from your every so often, you then need to follow through and email them. It depends on your own goals and the time you have available, but it’s best to email your list once per week.
The first time I heard the word “copywriter” I had no clue it was an actual job.
And even when I started copywriting, I thought it was all about blogging and social media posts. I had no idea how far the umbrella of copywriting actually extended. I was definitely surprised to learn exactly how many types of writing copywriters get involved with.
If you’re curious about what copywriters do, here’s a little sneak peek of just some of the projects we work on and the pro strategies we use to take our copywriting to the next level:
When it comes to writing emails to your list, there are 3 things you need to keep in mind.
The content of the email.
The subject line.
When you send the email.
The time and day that you send your email is often something that can be overlooked. But the time you send your email can mean the difference between your email being opened or deleted. That’s why the time you send it is so crucial!
The line where stress starts to become detrimental to our health is kind of shady. We need stress in our life to keep us alert, active, and healthy, but at what point does it become too much?
Our church tries to help out the homeless once a month. They make lunches, pack bags with toiletries, collect clothing or blankets, then drive around the city to disperse the supplies.
Life’s weird. I took a detour that tested me and forced me out of my comfort zone. I got a “real job” at the beginning of 2021 because I needed something to make me leave my house and interact with people. It started as a regular full-time job but I didn’t have a lot of responsibilities and it was fun!
I’m not gonna lie, the next couple of weeks are going to test me and exhaust me. I have a lot coming up that will put to practice my ability to manage my time effectively. (I'll let you know how it turns out.)
That was in July. It’s safe to say that I've been tested repeatedly and exhausted since then. I had to let some things go that I just couldn't take the time to do – like my weekly emails, unfortunately.
The island of Aruba is small— 20 miles long, 6 miles wide— with three main areas to stay. All three of them are on the northern side of the island. They are Palm Beach, Oranjestad, and Noord. Where you decide to stay is up to your personal preference! Below is a break down of each one.
There are a ton of places to snorkel in Aruba! Anywhere you can go in the water safely with some googles is going to be cool. But if you wanted to narrow it down to just three good places to go, this is where I’d say to make sure you bring your snorkel (and your GoPro if you have one!).
There are a lot of great places to eat in Aruba -- more than we ever were able to make it to. But based on where we have dined, these are the best restaurants and cafes to visit in Aruba.
Your transportation options in Aruba are to call a taxi, rent a car, hop a bus, rent an ATV, or rent a Jeep. The choice is truly up to you but this is my opinion based on the two times I’ve visited the island -- rent a car AND a Jeep.
If you’ve never been to Aruba before, you are in for a treat! Aruba is one of the ABC islands in the Caribbean. In 2020, we traveled to Curacao and Aruba and in 2021 we decided to travel back to Aruba because we loved the island so much. Here are a few things to expect and consider before traveling to Aruba.
If you don't have those extra hands available, here's how to market your business your way on your own.