5 Exclusive Tips to Creating the Ultimate About Page


Almost every good website has an about page. It's oftentimes the most visited page on a site which makes it the most important. Unfortunately, a lot of about pages are forgettable. People focus more on creating their “money-making” pages but in reality, the about page is the true page that makes the sales.


For you to have an extraordinary page, you need to go beyond the basic template of creating a lengthy business card - by showing off the voice and story behind your brand.

For most of us, it’s hard to write an about page because the hardest topic to write about is ourselves! But writing it isn’t impossible. With the right strategy, it is totally doable!

Here are five guaranteed ways to make your about page stick out!

Catch The Readers Attention with a Stylish Layout

An effective design is key in a world where readers expect instant gratification. 

Because of this, you want to make your page as easy to digest as possible. Break up big chunks of text with spaces and different fonts. Bold headlines and guide the readers eyes down the page. Be sure to add photos - even gifs - to catch their attention too!


Know Your Audience Like the Back of Your Hand!

This is a big one! You should always write with your ideal customers in mind.

Find common ground with your ideal demographic - point out common interests and values. Use the type of language and tone they would. If you’re doing it right, your ideal customer already uses the same type of language as you!


Time to Open Up! Get Personal and Get Specific!

Now’s the time to talk about you! Talk about relevant areas of your life and how you got into the position you are now. Share your triumphs as well as your struggles.

Be specific about your interests. Being personal and specific helps your readers relate to you better, and makes you sound less like a resume and more like a person.

Give them a CTA!

Remember that your ultimate goal is to get your readers to engage with you. After reading your amazing about page your readers will be hooked! Give them something to do next quick before they get distracted by something else on the internet.

You can do this by providing info on how to purchase your products, a link to freebies, or your contact information at the bottom of the page.


But above all, BE YOU!

The most important part of writing an about page is to be you! This may sound like a no-brainer, but most pages suffer because they try to present someone who’s unrealistically perfect. That’s why you want to be authentic - even down to the way that you write.

Having a fantastic about page is the key to reaching your customers and helping them understand you! It's where they can get to know, like, and trust you before they follow the CTA and buy from you.

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