Share your professional services online with website content written for your small business.
Website content is written for your website to let your customers know who you are, what you do, and how they can work with you.
Website content is written for your website to let your customers know who you are, what you do, and how they can work with you.
Are you exhausted from working in your business every day? Do you know you want to grow and need a website but don’t have the time or the thought of it is daunting? It's a common problem faced among small business owners in the United States. Writing the content for your own website is hard, not only because you may not have time or writing is not your strong suit, but because you are so close to the business that it’s hard to back up and clearly explain why your potential customers need your service.
I have grown up in a family of small business owners and seen the challenges, hustle, and heartbreak that come with it. I have written for numerous industries including home improvement services, real estate agents, business coaches, car washes, and so much more! Each one comes with its own challenges and goals, and a business owner who is incredibly knowledgeable in their field.
If so, I get it. Maybe you’ve spent hours working on your trade, reading books, attending trainings and certifications. You’ve maybe made a Facebook page and are trying to learn how to post there and create an audience. Yet, you’re still hustling and meeting people in your small-town community that don’t know your business exists.
You wonder, “What am I missing?”
Thing is, you know you’re experienced, hard-working, and talented…and you’ve invested in your business and branding. You might even be certified in your field and hold a ton of degrees. Then you see your competitor growing quicker and getting more referrals and recognition in the community than you. You think, “What gives? What are they doing that I’m not??”
It could be their work ethic, motivated crew, or dumb luck. But that would be too easy. In all actuality, there’s one reason they’re standing out and you’re not.
You probably didn’t start your business because you liked accounting, managing people, customer service, marketing, or sales. You probably started your business in order to provide the service you enjoy or are good at. Luckily, there are other people who are good at accounting, managing people, customer service, marketing, and sales. These people and their talents are the ones who will make you money and earn you freedom from being a slave to your business.
What Do I Mean? You are a professional in your business and other people are professionals in theirs. When you hire someone to handle the other areas of your business, you can breathe and your business can grow. You may have to pay more upfront but your business will become a pillar in the community and be the one everyone calls when they need your service because all of your processes are running smoothly and you can excel at your profession.
Creating a website is more than just buying a domain. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great start. But to get your ideal audience to find you online and purchase your service, you’re going to need a little bit more.
You need to answer these five questions in your website content:
• Who you are and who you serve
• What service your business provides
• Where you’re located
• Why they should hire you
• How they can get started
When you can publicly answer these questions, you will be much closer to becoming the go-to business in your community for the service you provide.
Selling your services doesn’t have to be hard! With a functioning website and content that speaks to your ideal customer, the buyers will come to you! You can cancel the paper ads and get your weekends back that were spent at trade shows (unless you like doing them). You can now sit back and let your leads find your services online and call or email you to get started.
The one-page website is designed to help you get your piece of digital real estate and sell your service online for you by providing information your customers are looking for and giving them ways to reach out to you.
Who Is This Service For?
If you are a small business owner looking to uplevel your company, demonstrate that you’re a serious service provider in your community, and are ready to bring in more customers that are willing to pay higher prices for your services, then this is the perfect website content package for you.
This service is also for you if…
• You are a service-based business owner interested in making more sales.
• You need help articulating what you do
• You don’t have the time to write your own content
• You need a fast and professional solution.
You are a credible service provider in your city. There is no reason for you to be overlooked just because you weren’t the first one found on Google. With my writing techniques and experience, I can help you have a fighting chance.
Who Is This Service Not For?
If you don’t care to grow your company any larger and are OK with your competitors taking jobs that you could’ve done better at, then a content writing service isn’t for you.
The one-page website is designed to inform and sell your service in a way that shines a light on your company on a single landing page.
The Method
We will discover what makes you different and what people can expect when they hire you. Then I will craft that into website content designed to fit smoothly onto a single webpage that your designer will create.
The Interview
I offer an optional 30-minute interview before writing any content. This is where you can tell me about your business – who you are, what you do, where you work, and how you prefer people to get in touch. You are welcome to email me any information about the business and anything else such as a current website if you have one or a list of products you like to use.
Writing the Content
Based on the information provided in the interview and any other documentation you shared with me, I’ll begin to piece the website content together to create the first draft in a Google Doc.
Check for Revisions
The first draft will be shared with you! You will be given commenting access on the Google Doc so you can leave notes wherever you need revisions. Once you’re done going through it, I will make the necessary edits.
Your content is finalized and ready to be implemented into your website! If you are working with a designer I will coordinate with them to make sure the layout and content are in sync. If you are not working with a designer, I provide an option for the content and design to be done at the same time and delivered to you in one piece. Please let me know if you’d like this option during the initial point of contact.
The one-page website provides all you need to show up online as the expert that you are in your industry.
Let your customers know who you are as the business owner, what the business is, and who you serve in the community.
Break down the services you offer so your ideal customer knows exactly what it is that you do and how you can help them.
Where do you provide your services? List city names, zip codes, or a specified mile radius around a city.
What sets you apart from your competitors that makes your company the obvious choice to work with?
How do you want people to reach out to you for a service or free estimate? They can call, email, or fill out a form that is automatically sent to you with some information about them and what they need.
Free copy of “The Daily Question for Entrepreneurs”
The Daily Question for Entrepreneurs is a three-year journal designed to help new and growing business owners thrive in their business. It has 365 questions to be answered for three years in a row. You can see what you need help with and how your answers change during that period of time.
Free “Contact” Page
When you purchase a one-page website, I will throw in a free “contact” page. It’s a simple page but makes the site more official and easier to navigate by having the contact information on its own page rather than in the footer.
SEO Elements
Writing the words is one thing but having SEO elements is what will make your website show up in web searches. When you purchase a one-page website, you can be assured that SEO elements have been included to help you land higher in searches and land your perfect clients.
Paying for professionally written content that is optimized for SEO is an investment, not an expense. However, my pricing is lower than average because I have a passion for helping new small business owners succeed.
Who is a good fit for this package?
A one-page website is good for new service-based small businesses. Although it can work for most businesses, it’s best for: landscapers, painters, handymen, house cleaners, real estate agents, car detailing/washing, etc.
Can I take advantage of this package if I didn’t start my business yet?
Yes, it’s perfect for people who are brand new! The one-page website will provide a solid landing page so that you have something to send people to for more information. It’s a place for you to share what people can expect from you and why they should work with you
When can I expect the project to get started and finished?Depending on my availability, I can usually start within 2-3 weeks from when the contract is signed and complete it within 2 weeks. If you decided to purchase the package with the website design as well, then it will add an extra 2 weeks.
How does the design process work?
If you purchase a website content package from me, you will receive a Google doc with the information for your website all written and laid out for you or your graphic designer to plug into the website. If you don’t have a designer, I have a few on hand that I work with in order to complete the one-page websites. Just let me know ahead of time and we can provide you with a price for the content and the design packaged together.
How many rounds of revisions are included?
2 rounds of revisions are included in the website content packages. The design revisions are determined by the graphic designer.
How much does the content for a one-page website cost?
The price for a one-page website is $595 to be paid when the project is contracted. There will be an additional cost for design work.
Do I own the content once it’s complete?
Yes, the content is entirely yours! I reserve the right to share it in my portfolio and on my social media channels. However, the content is ultimately yours in the end. You are not required to give me credit anywhere.
Can I come back to you for updates as I make changes to the site?
Yes! For continual updates, I charge hourly at $45/hour.
Can I get more than one page?
Some businesses can’t fit all of their information easily on one page. I offer 3-5 page website content writing packages as well for the more established businesses looking to expand their websites and increase visibility. 3-5 page website content pricing starts at $1585 and payment plans are available.
What if I buy and want a refund? What's the policy?
My services are here to help you change your business and life for the better. I stand behind the work that I provide in my one-page websites and my reputation as a leader in the writing industry for business owners.
If the content doesn’t accurately reflect your services and you don’t feel comfortable publishing it online, I will provide one last version of revisions. If you still feel the content doesn’t accurately reflect your services, then you will receive a full refund.