The First Time We Volunteered to Help the Homeless in Rochester


Our church tries to help out the homeless once a month. They make lunches, pack bags with toiletries, collect clothing or blankets, then drive around the city to disperse the supplies.

Last month, for the first time ever, my husband and I helped out. We drove with the other volunteers to various parking lots where homeless people would just show up. Many of them know when someone pulls into a parking lot and opens the trunk of their vehicle that they have donations for them.

It was so surreal for me!

We were parked in the middle of a random corner lot and people were literally coming from around all the corners of the buildings to see what we had to offer.

We served hot cocoa, handed out peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in paper bags, gave people gloves, scarves, and hats, and supplied bags with toiletries like toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and toilet paper. Some only wanted hot cocoa while others said they would “take whatever we got.” Others also wanted us to pray with them.

Under a bridge, we saw a dingy comforter and a small cart. I said a comment along the lines of why would they leave their stuff there and risk it being stolen by someone else? We pulled over and another volunteer and I took one of the lunches over to the pile of stuff under the bridge.

As we got closer I realized there was someone underneath the blanket! They were sleeping on the freezing sidewalk with just this thin comforter to cover them. I never saw the person since their head was under the blanket but we left them a lunch and moved on.

Of all the people we served that day, the one person I didn’t get to speak with or even see left the biggest impact.

One place that accepts donations is the local YWCA. Last I heard, there were 11 pregnant women living there that had absolutely nothing to care for a baby.

If you have a shelter, YWCA, or church near you that accepts donations I would encourage you to do so if you can! Many of the people in the shelters are not there forever. It’s temporary while they get back on their feet and a pair of gloves can go a really far way for them.

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