Five of My Favorite Self-Help and Business Books


I’m a huge fan of self-help and business-related books. I love reading the different opinions and suggestions from a range of authors and entrepreneurs and then molding their ideas together into something that works best for me. Since each author always seems to have their own twist, it’s good to read a bunch of them and start to form your own thoughts on how you’d like to approach your life and business.

For a while, I worked with my husband painting houses. It was easy to mindlessly listen to audiobooks while working so we would spend literally hours each day just listening to great business books. We binged on personalities like Grant Cardone, Jim Rohn, and Robert Kiyosaki. We also spent time listening to Gary Vaynerchuk and so many more in between.

When you have at least eight hours per day, it’s easy to get through a book in a day or two! Below are five of my favorite self-help and business books that I always like to go back through more than once.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Dale Carnegie

I, no joke, probably recommend this book at least once per week. If you want just one book to help you uplevel your life personally and professionally, this is it. Dale Carnegie (not at all related to Andrew Carnegie) lays out all the ways to climb the ladder and make more money while improving on all relationships in your life. The book came out in the 1930s but it’s still 100% relevant today.

I have listened to this book multiple times and read it a few times too! This is one of those books that you should read at the start of every year as a reminder of how to influence people to get what you want without negatively affecting the other person. Here you can find 25 Quotes Worth Framing from “How to Win Friends and Influence People”.


The 10x Rule

Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone is known for being an intense, no-nonsense guy. In The 10x Rule Cardone teaches you how to take massive action and leaves no room for you to feel sorry for yourself. I love listening to this book when I feel like I’m in a slump. I listened to it before starting my business because I knew it would motivate me to get started and seriously work towards 10x-ing my goals. I definitely recommend this one if you need an extra push when growing your business.

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Rich Woman: A Book on Investing for Women, Take Charge Of Your Money, Take Charge Of Your Life

Kim Kiyosaki

I think all women need to read this book. It is set up in a very conversational way where a few women get together and talk about their financial situations.

To sum it up, all women should learn about investing and find something to invest in for themselves. It can be real estate, a business, stocks, or anything else that there’s potential to get income back on. This book encourages women to learn about money and to find some financial independence rather than leaving it to the men.

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Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Robert Kiyosaki

This is another one of those classics that everyone should add to their reading list. He describes a situation where a boy grows up paying attention to his dad and his friend’s rich dad. The book teaches you that you don’t need to start off rich to start investing and how to have a positive money mindset. And if you didn’t notice, Robert Kiyosaki is married to Kim Kiyosaki who wrote Rich Woman.

introvert advantage

The Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extrovert World

Marti Olsen Laney, Psy.D.

If you are (or think you might be) an introvert, this book will have you saying, “that’s me!” The author covers all areas of life and tells introverts how to handle tricky situations like leaving parties early and offering up your opinion in meetings. It also, obviously, goes into the advantages of being an introvert! Laney also offers advice on how introverts and extroverts can live and work together successfully.

I have read many more than just five self-help and business books and now that I’ve written this blog I think I need to go back through and reread a lot of them! If I could offer up just five to start with though, the books above would be my list. They’re definitely some of the best business books of all time. If you are a small business owner, take some time for yourself and begin consuming some of the incredible content that can be found in these books.

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