Put Together Your Ideal Remote Team With These Tips


How do you put together a team of freelancers that can work together well while meeting your vision? The process can be intimidating for many, but it helps to start with a list of goals. What are your business needs at the moment? What will they be a year from now? How can you make communication easier for everyone? Using the right tools and finding the best people in their respective fields can go a long way, so once you’ve set some goals, start searching for team members who can help you reach them. Need help writing professional, original copy for a stellar website? Take a look around Grace Ventura’s site to get an idea of the kinds of services you can secure for your business.

 Here are four things to consider when putting together the ideal remote team:

Lead with legitimacy

Attracting the right talent means you need to be able to prove that your business is legit and that your practices are well-thought-out, and forming an LLC is a great way to do that. A limited liability company also comes with several benefits for you, as it provides tax advantages and flexibility so you can run things without worry. If you’re unsure of where to start, read up on the steps for creating an LLC in your state and utilize a formation service to file the paperwork, which will save you money on attorney’s fees.

 Make some connections

Once you’re ready to start the search for freelancers, you can utilize job sites, but don’t underestimate the power of social media. Your business should have a professional-looking page for a few strategically-chosen outlets, and you should be posting frequently using different types of media in order to get engagement. Put out a call for available freelance jobs, and don’t forget to share relevant images in order to maximize your spot in the algorithm. Use an online photo resizer that allows you to upload high-quality photos to your posts without grainy textures.

Make your expectations clear

Putting together a remote team takes a little time, and once you have everyone in place, it’s essential to make sure you have a plan for sharing information. Making your expectations clear and providing guidelines for each job description is crucial, as not only does it help your freelancers do their jobs correctly, it prevents headaches for you down the road. Because your team won’t be together in a traditional office setting, it’s important that they have everything they need to work efficiently, whether that includes specific tech, communication methods, or helpful materials.

Get everyone paid on time

No matter how well you’ve prepared for things like communication and software, nothing throws a wrench into a business’s plans like payment issues. If you don’t have a solid accounting system, it will be much harder for you to pay your freelancers on time, which can back up the workflow. The best invoice template is one that allows you to customize the format for your brand while giving clear guidelines for the layout, and you don’t have to spend a fortune; in fact, this one is free. Stay organized when it comes to payday by streamlining your payment system for everyone and make sure each freelancer is classified correctly so you won’t have any issues with the IRS.

Running a business is hard work, but with the right team, you can keep things flowing smoothly. Putting together the most qualified freelancers can take some time, so make sure you have your needs clearly defined before starting your search.


Ready to talk about a potential project with Grace Ventura? Reach out and get in touch today.

Written by Chelsea Lamb of businesspop.net

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