Flattered -- But False


Things Aren't Always as They Seem

Did you know only 5% of your followers actually see your posts?

If you ever feel like you're posting too much about a sale or offer you have, you're not. It takes a lot of posting to really share it with a lot of your followers.

Totally unrelated, but this is something I posted on my social media accounts recently that I felt should be shared in a blog post.


Not one of my prouder moments but I'm sharing because this is my real life. No one ever takes candid photos of me but when they do, I'm stealing muffins 🙄

I met with someone the other day who said that they felt like they already knew me because they had read through all of my things on the internet.

Flattered -- but false.

The cool thing about posting on the internet is that you can post what you want and create any image for yourself. We can share or not share whatever the heck we want. We can make any types of virtual friends we want to make on the internet.

If my followers were to meet me IRL, they may be shocked. So with this muffin-stealing-photo, I vow to you that I will be more authentic this year. I'm going to share more of my sides and not just the ones that feel comfortable.

That's it. Short and sweet (sweet cuz of the muffin…get it? ðŸ˜†) 

You've probably heard before that people only post their highlight reels on Instagram, but people also only share what they want to share in another sense. 

If someone loves to collect model trains and their house was loaded in trains and train things and there was always the sound of whistles and chugga-chuggin in their home, but they only posted about going for walks in the park on their IG, you would literally never know that they had this huge train collection going on unless you actually were in their home!

That's the point I'm trying to make. 

There's a lot about my life that I don't share on the internet. Even after I now posted this on my socials I feel a little meh towards following through.

I'm trying to share more things about my life that I love but may not be interesting to everyone.

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