Planning for a launch is no easy task!
It takes hours and hours of commitment, strategic planning, and consistent effort. It also takes lots of hours writing copy for the sales pages, website, social media posts, and most of all, the emails. At the end of the day, the copy is what draws in your sales.
I am not a graphic designer so I hire it out. I don’t make my own graphics for any of my social media posts and I sure as heck didn’t design my website! Because if I did it, it would look terrrrrible. It wouldn’t resemble my brand the way that I want it to and people would not take me seriously because it wouldn’t look professional. Not to mention, all the time that I would’ve wasted trying to do something that wasn’t in my scope of genius!
Launches can work in a bunch of ways. You could launch a new product and just need to build up hype before the launch date. Or you might be offering a free 5-day challenge to draw people into your big-ticket offer - complete with a private Facebook group and live trainings daily.